Faces of Job Corps: Garrett Kamlitz, Quentin N. Burdick Job Corps
Faces of Job Corps: Garrett Kamlitz, Quentin N. Burdick Job Corps
Garrett Kamlitz is 18 years old and from Jamestown, ND. He currently attends Quentin N. Burdick Job Corps in Minot, ND. Garrett is working on his third level in the Advanced Auto trade. He is also ASE certified and Tire Industry certified. He also obtained his GED at Burdick Job Corps. Garrett joined Burdick Job Corps to help himself get a better job and his high school diploma or GED. Job Corps has helping Garret achieve his goals because he eventually wants to go to college for diesel mechanics and work on trucks or heavy equipment. Job Corps is helping Garrett with his automotive training and passing his certifications. What Garrett likes most about Job Corps is his trade. When he gets into trade each day it makes him work hard.
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