Potomac Job Corps Prepares for Students to Begin Classes

Potomac Job Corps Prepares for Students to Begin Classes

By: Barrington Tolliver

Potomac Job Corps Center prepares for students to begin classes on Monday, December 7, 2020 at 8:00 AM. Staff members have prepared patiently for students to continue in person class for several weeks now.
The most important goal is helping students continue learning and being safe during the pandemic. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic students continue to learn through distance learning until further notice from the US. Department of Labor and Regional Leadership. However, this Monday will be a great opportunity to see students back in the classroom. Classes will start with eight students on center. Modifications have been made to the entire center to begin classes. For example, all students and staff have been COVID-19 tested, resumption planning meetings, safety walks on center, temperature check of students before entering class, staff temperatures are checked at the gate, PPE’s, 6 ft. social distancing signs on walls and floors, sanitizers stations around center, also classrooms and tables in the cafeteria have partitions to keep everyone safe.

Instructors are excited about the opportunity to see and speak with their students. All academic instructors and career technical training instructors have been positive throughout the pandemic. Hoping that one day classes will resume and everything around the country will return back to normal. Potomac surely has planned for students to begin classes with normalcy and effective instruction. Next week will be a new and exciting time for everyone. Mr. Tony Staying’s, Center Director leads the charge of academics and training at PJCC.

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