Potomac Job Corps Center Spreads JOY On Christmas Day……
Tags: Potomac Job Corps Center

Potomac Job Corps Center Spreads JOY On Christmas Day……

Statistics show that the stress of the holiday season experienced by our youth, can be overwhelming. Even though some of our young people were unable to be home during this time, it was the goal of the center that they not feel alone or forgotten, but to feel special. Special thanks to the dedicated staff at the Potomac Job Corps Center that went above and beyond to bring “joy” to the hearts of our students.

On Christmas morning, the students were surprised with a breakfast outing at the International House of Pancakes (IHOP)! Excitement filled the air as the students loaded the bus. Yum…you could hear the happy chatter as they discussed what they were going to order. “I’m getting pancakes” and one gentleman stated, “nah, I’m getting a burger.”

Upon their return to the center, the students gathered in the Computer Lab to receive gift bags and gift cards donated by Job Corps Staff at the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Coast Guard, and the National Council of Negro Women. Our Center Director, Mitra Vazeen made it a priority to be on center during this memorable occasion. She was overjoyed by the donations received from our community partners, as well as the outpouring of love demonstrated by the Potomac staff. Ms. Vazeen was quoted as saying, “I really appreciate your being on center Christmas day to show love and support for our students when you could have been home sharing Christmas with your family.” “This is what it’s all about.” “Thank you, I love you!”

There wasn’t a dry eye in the room as tears were shed by a student that expressed his recent bout with depression, “I recently wanted to take my life.” I didn’t feel that I had a purpose.” Thanks to the staff here at Potomac encouraging me and being here for me. I was able to overcome my negative thoughts!’

Job Corps is a no cost education and career training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16-24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training. The Potomac Job Corps Center is overseen by the Philadelphia Regional Office of Job Corps and is operated by Exceed Corporation.