Faces of Job Corps: Carolton A.
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Faces of Job Corps: Carolton A.

Carlton A. was a graduate of the Netsy/Cisco shop. When he was assigned to Nicole Wehler, Career Advisor, he was working as a PC Technician at Staples in Waterworks for less than $8.00 an hour. She  tried to impress upon him how bright, ambitious, and professional he was, things that employers are looking for. She also told Carlton that he wasn’t making enough money for the training and work experience he has.  Nicole was able to set him up with an interview with Comcast in which he got the job as a Customer Account Executive. He also got over a $4.00 an hour raise. He is happy in his position. Nicole  recently received a wonderful email from him that she is sharing here:

“I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work and determination when it came to putting my life on the right path. I have started my position here at Comcast© that you have recommended for me, and I do enjoy it. Comcast not only pays well, but it also has the kind of structure that I look for in a  company when considering a career. Even though we did not have the opportunity to get to know each other better while I was attending PJCC it did not stop you from seeing the potential in me and performing your job to best of your ability. My life is coming together and you, Ms. Bobick (his instructor), and the entire staff of PJCC helped make that possible. PJCC allowed me to meet my fiancé who graduated with her CNA and began working at the Veteran’s Hospital . We have a child born August 7, 2010 – 7 pounds 10 ounces – 20.5″ long – Carlton A. II.   So, I say thank you once again for everything that you have done and everyone else that has helped me at PJCC. I feel like my work is far from done, and I hope that you feel the same way too. My blessings to you.”

Carlton A.

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