Robert P., Veteran, Finding Success at Pittsburgh Job Corps
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Robert P., Veteran, Finding Success at Pittsburgh Job Corps

Robert  P. is 41 years old and a veteran.  He served eight years in the U.S. Army and Army National Guard.  He is well educated with a degree in elementary education and lives in the Veterans Place in East Liberty.  In September 2010 he started his career technical training at the Pittsburgh Job Corps.  Unable to find a teaching position, he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and learn the HVAC trade…heating, ventilation and air conditioning.  This is a new trade on center and Robert gives high praise for the instructor, Mark Lawecki.  “He knows what he is talking about.”  Robert  said that “other staff also help you out even if you are not in their class.” Robert has mechanical aptitude since he worked on tanks and armor vehicles while in the service.  His goal is to learn the skills for the trade and then find a job locally.  He heard about Job Corps through his career counselor and is glad to have this opportunity for training. Family is important to him. He has two sisters, a niece and nephew who are all supportive of what he does. In his spare time, he has been practicing kung-fu, karate, and tai-chi for about 26 years. He has also offered classes to staff in the Fitness Room on Center  in Quigong, another form of Tai-Chi!

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