Pittsburgh Job Corps Lays Wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Tags: Community Service | leadersip | Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Job Corps Lays Wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

It was a bitter cold day in Washington, DC in February, but that did not curtail the decision to visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery.  Andy Pope, Military Preparation instructor at the Pittsburgh Job Corps Center, and Army Staff Sergeant Chris Redd, organized a wreath laying ceremony.  “Not everyone has this opportunity.  It is only by special request that permission is granted and then the military guarding the tomb make the arrangements, said Mr. Pope.”  Ten students from the Leadership Academy at the Pittsburgh Job Corps participated in the wreath laying ceremony.   To actually see the changing of the guard, the 21 steps back and forth in front of the tomb which represented a 21 gun salute, and the opportunity to lay a wreath themselves, awed and inspired the students.  “It was an honor to be able to place the wreath,” said Daniel P., Student Government Vice-President who attended the ceremony. “ They did a really good job.  Tears were in my eyes when taps was played.  It was very moving.” Center Director, Mark Douglas, said that it was a life changing experience for the students and he would like the students to return every six months to perform this ceremony.   Four of the students, Ashanti C., Daniel D., Ariel J., and Rosanna C., were from Pittsburgh while the others, all residents of the Pittsburgh Job Corps, hailed from DE, VA, AR, and other PA cities.

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