Talika J. completed the NAHHA (Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide) program May 2011. She then went on to pass her state certification test to become a C.N.A. within the next 30 days. She returned to Maryland after her separation and showed her commitment to using her skills by job searching both in Maryland and the Pittsburgh areas. She actually had her choice of positions and decided to relocate to Pittsburgh in July. Showing her drive for success, she wanted to work part-time and also pursue additional education at CCAC. In October, she had reached yet another impressive milestone by securing employment with UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center- largest employer in Pittsburgh) at a rate of $10.91/hr (making an additional $2.41/hr and now receiving full-time hours) as well as the opportunity for employer tuition reimbursement. She indeed is a focused individual who is now enjoying her career and hopes of a brighter future. Her realized success is due to her enrollment, completion, and assistance thru Job Corps.
Brett Hawes, Career Advisor