A Face of the Phoenix Job Corps

A Face of the Phoenix Job Corps


Sar entered the Phoenix Job Corps Program 08/02/09.  Sar was born in Myamar (formally known as Burma) and because of the conflicts in Myamar she was forced to relocate to a Thailand refugee camp at age 8 to stay with extended family members.  This was particularly difficult for her as she had contracted Polio when she was less than 2 years old and has no leg movement. Although confined to a wheelchair for most of her life, her courage and determination led her to Phoenix Job Corps. 

Sar entered Phoenix Job Corps and the ELL program with very limited English skills. Since that time she has completed the Office Administration Program and is working hard to finish her high school diploma through SIATech and has improved her English skills tremendously. 

She is always friendly, has a smile on her face and has been accepted like any other student. She has excellent attendance and is an active participant in dorm life. With the help of  Job Corps and her primary physician, Sar now has an electric wheelchair and it is so much easier for her to get around but before she got her electric wheelchair students use to help push her in her manual wheelchair when her arms got tired.  She has achieved independence that she never had before and takes advantage of that every day.

Sar plans to continue her education and go on to college. 

Each day Sar sets an example to others that nothing is impossible if you are willing to strive to achieve your goals.

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