(L to R Dennis Martin, Brittany Maddix,Paul Laccone Jr)
On Thursday October 27th, 2011, Penobscot Job Corps Academy students Brittany Maddix, Dennis Martin, and Paul Laccone Jr, all volunteered at the Career Center in Bangor for their 14th annual Job Fair. This is their story.The three employees that we were introduced to and that gave us our instructions were Mike Johnson, Paul Urggeria, and Sue Leighton. First, all three of us put together flyers that would need to be handed out to the incoming job seekers. After we had finished putting together the flyers, all three of us stood at the front doors and greeted everyone and anyone coming in and passed out flyers to each person. One of us explained to each individual where and exactly which rooms the Job Fair companies were located, as well as explained the survey that was in the flyer and where to put it once completed. One of us had the job to tell people to have a good day as they were leaving and also answering any additional questions anyone might have. We rotated positions until it was lunch time. After we had finished our lunch all three of us helped Mike, Paul, and Sue clean up each room and move the tables back where they needed to go. It was a very successful, enlightening experience and we all had a fun time.