Old Dominion Job Corps Facility Maintenance Students Volunteer for United Way’s 18th Annual Day of Caring
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Old Dominion Job Corps Facility Maintenance Students Volunteer for United Way’s 18th Annual Day of Caring


By Jeanne Vaughan, Old Dominion Job Corps Business and Community Liaison

May 19, 2011 was the 18th year for United Way of Central Virginia to participate in “Day of Caring” which is the region’s largest one-day volunteer event. There were over 1200 volunteers contributing more than 6,000 hours of service in one day with an estimated $200,000 worth of projects. Over 50 non-profit organizations were served during this one day event.

This is the second year Old Dominion Job Corps students have volunteered for “Day of Caring”. Last year our Painting Students and their instructor, Mr. Steve Eckart, re-glazed the windows, primed and painted the windows and the wood trim of the United Way building. This year fourteen Facilities Maintenance students, their instructor, Mr. Sean Kelly, and our Recreation Supervisor, Mr. Colbert Smith, volunteered to assist United Way in moving furniture from a warehouse, moving office furniture in the United Way building from one office to another, spreading mulch and other landscaping duties. The students who participated in this annual event were: Justin A., Morgan, Domonique B., Lorenzo H., Christopher H., Christopher L., Tyrone M., Corey P., Catherine-Lee R., Corey S., Corey T., Randy W. and William W.

The employees at the United Way building and other volunteers have given me feedback on our students and our employees. They stated the students were extremely polite and focused on doing an excellent job in a very expeditious way. They did not stand around and wait to be told what to do. They jumped in and got the job done and in fact stepped up to help another organization who had volunteered to do the landscaping duties. They assisted the volunteers by spreading the mulch for them.

Our students, led by Mr. Kelly, represented Job Corps in a very positive way and are changing attitudes and images through community service. The community is recognizing Job Corps has some extraordinary young people in their ranks and these young people are making a very positive impact on their community and its members.

Students who participated in this event will have an excellent volunteer activity to include on their resumes. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of life-long volunteer service for the students who participated in this important event.

Thank you Facilities Maintenance students, Mr. Kelly, and Mr. Smith for making 2011’s Day of Caring a success.