ODJCC SGA “Attitude to Show Gratitude”
Tags: ODJCC SGA - Supporting Our Troops

ODJCC SGA “Attitude to Show Gratitude”

Attitude to Show Gratitude  –  The Student Government Association at Old Dominion Job Corps is sending two representatives along with their SGA Advisor, Ms. M. Wood, to Washington, D.C. to attend the 15th Annual Student Leadership Conference sponsored by ResCare, Inc. from January 31 to February 4, 2011.  The theme of this year’s conference is “Respecting, Caring, and Impacting Communities.” There are 18 job corps centers participating in ResCare’s SGA Leadership Conference.

ResCare challenged the participating centers to come up with a community project that they could participate in prior to the Leadership Conference.  Each center will develop a power point presentation documenting their project that will be presented at the Conference.  The projects will be judged, winners selected and monetary awards bestowed.

For their community project, the Old Dominion Job Corps Student Government Association members wanted to continue a tradition of recognizing our troops in foreign countries.  Their project will be titled “Attitude to Show Gratitude”.  The SGA members raised approximately $1200 by selling slices of pizza, hot dogs and pretzels.  The money raised in these events was used to purchase personal items to be sent to the troops overseas.  In an effort to make their funds go further, they asked and received a donation of 100 personal care items from the Wingate Hotel.  The Wingate donation included shampoo, conditioner, and soap.  Ms. Melinda Wood, SGA Advisor, said “It is a privilege for us to have the opportunity to give something back to our troops because they do so much for our Country.”

The students purchased socks, razors, first aide kits, toothbrushes, toothpaste, Q-tips, deodorant and other personal care items and made up 100 Large Zip Lock Bags to be shipped to the troops overseas.  They will present the bags to the Soldiers at the U.S. Army Recruiting Station on Lakeside Drive in Lynchburg on Wednesday, 1/26/2011, for shipment to the troops.