Student Sabrina Starr helps a young boy carve his pumpkin (left), Smiling faces throughout the event (center), Student Rochard Peak hands out paint and craft pipe cleaners for pumpkin art (right)
CHEROKEE, NC – While pumpkin carving is a fall tradition for many kids, adults can get in on the fun too. Each year, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Head Start program hosts a family pumpkin carving fest as a way to bring families together in a fun and creative activity. Greg Owle, Family and Community Partnership Manager for Head Start, believes this is one of the best events they host each year. “On a single night, we’ll see moms, dads, grandparents- whole families come out to spend time together. The family is the single most important unit out there to give these young students every tool for success. It’s what Head Start is all about”.
This year, over 75 families signed up to attend, filling the Dora Reed Center gymnasium. Students from the Oconaluftee Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center were also on hand to make the event a success. Arriving early, students helped set tables, distribute pumpkins, and sign in participants. “I just love working with the kids at Head Start- they make you laugh and remember some of the simple things in life… like pumpkin goo between your fingers! said Oconaluftee students Shonda Logan. Other students paired with families with several children to help with carving and clean-up.
By the end of the evening pumpkins carved in all shapes, sizes, and designs were on display. Some were even painted and complete with colorful craft pipe cleaner glasses or antennae. “This was a great evening for everyone. We love to see the community come together for our youth from the parents to our event volunteers” said Amanda Bradley, Family Outreach Coordinator.
The Oconaluftee Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center is associated with the National Forests of North Carolina. It is accredited by the Council On Occupational Education and currently serves 104 students. The mission of the USDA Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. The Agency manages over 200 million acres of public land, provides assistance to State and private landowners, and maintains the largest forestry research organization in the world. For more information about the Oconaluftee JCCCC, visit oconaluftee.jobcorps.gov