Students use Pulaskis and sledge hammers (left), Forney Ridge Trail mid process (center top), Students work on a bank (right top), Group photo of Oconaluftee students and staff (right bottom)
CHEROKEE, NC – Would you dedicate a whole ‘day-off’ on Saturday to giving back to America’s public lands? ‘Absolutely’ was the answer from the students and staff of the Oconaluftee Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center. Rising early for an 8am project start, students bundled against the brisk morning temperatures above 5,000ft for a safety and project brief of the trail restoration project on the popular Forney Ridge Trail- just down from Clingman’s Dome. After hiking in to the work site, students, National Park Service staff, and volunteers from across the southeast got to work digging water bars, breaking and setting rock, stabilizing banks, and moving soil.
“We started by placing hand carried soil between the foundation rocks in the trail bed. Next thing you know we’re planning out the new water bar to prevent trail erosion and from there relocating grasses and other plants to restore what had just been disturbed” said student D’Ronyea Sanders. “I learned so much it was unbelievable”.
Tim Warner, South District Trails Supervisor for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, took the opportunity to turn a work day into a series of teachable moments for everyone. “I quizzed volunteers about their tasks, gave a working history of the Pulaski field tool, and made sure they knew naturalizing techniques. We were able to get quite a bit accomplished”.
Naturalization, restoration, and recreation maintenance are vital to a Civilian Conservation Center’s special conservation mission. Hands on projects in natural resources are integral to fostering these ideals in the nation’s youth. “It is great to see public land management agencies supporting one another in a unique partnership for the good of the land and America’s young people. National Public Lands Day 2011 was a huge success both for the trail and for the mindset” said Oconaluftee’s Liaison Specialist, Holly Krake. “A huge thanks to Christine Hoyer and the great crew at South District Trails for giving us the opportunity”.
The Oconaluftee Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center is associated with the National Forests of North Carolina. It is accredited by the Council On Occupational Education and currently serves 104 students. The mission of the USDA Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. The Agency manages over 200 million acres of public land, provides assistance to State and private landowners, and maintains the largest forestry research organization in the world. For more information about the Oconaluftee JCCCC, visit oconaluftee.jobcorps.gov