By Randy Savoie, BCL
New Orleans Job Corps and The Blood Center of Louisiana recently teamed on a blood drive that exceeded the goal of 40 pints of blood as students were inspired to give the “gift of life” for many different reasons.
CMA student Durand Harris said he made the decision to donate after a story one of his friends told him. “The reason why I actually chose to give blood is that it may help save someone’s life,” says Durand. “A friend of mine told me about a lady who needed blood and she got it as a result of someone who donated and it saved her life. So, hopefully, the same thing will happen with my blood.”
Medical Office Support student Keyona Parish was inspired by her mother’s need for blood transfusions. “My mother needs a blood transfusion and so I said ‘why not volunteer and give blood because I may be helping her.’ I think its an opportunity to help people because so many people in our city need blood.”
Students received free tickets to The Mortuary,a haunted house in a real 100 year old haunted New Orleans Mortuary and black-and-gold New Orleans Saints t-shirts for participating in the blood drive.