Like many people, the game Wordle has infected the students in a New Hampshire Job Corps Reading class, instructed by Ms. Morrin. The game is simple – the players have six tries to correctly guess a five letter word. If the wrong guess has a letter from the correct word, then it turns green if its in the correct place and yellow if the letter goes somewhere else. In Ms. Morin’s class students are allowed to play as individuals or teams. Whomever can get the word correct first gets ACE (Awarding Continuous Excellence) points. ACE is a student incentive program. Students use a variety of different strategies. Some will start writing down letter combinations on the board based on the known letter combinations. Students find the visual really helpful. The game is great for the students as it helps with strategy, critical thinking, and sometimes spelling and vocabulary. Its comforting for the students to see that even the teacher gets stuck on the I before E rule sometimes.
Reading Wordle Champions