David Baker came to Muhlenberg from eastern Kentucky wanting to develop his welding skills and obtain a good job after completing his training. David entered the Muhlenberg Job Corps on March 7, 2011. Seven months later, on October 3, 2011, David left the Job Corps program as a graduate with his welding certificate. While at Muhlenberg he entered a training program at Titan Contracting in Owensboro, Kentucky to enhance the skills he was learing at the Muhlenberg Job Corps. David worked forty hours a week while at Titan earning $8.00 an hour. After completing 10 weeks with Titan and finishing his Job Corps training, David was offered and accepted a job with Owensboro Municipal Utilities for many more dollars an hour than he made as a trainee. He is currently working 60 hours a week at OMU in maintenance.
Since graduation David has not only landed a good job but has rented a place to live and bought a vehicle to drive to work. He credits the Job Corps program for helping him get a jump start in life. His long term goal is to get back to eastern Kentucky and obtain a job in the coal industry in that area. David is a prime example of what can be accomplished in the Job Corps program if you have a good work ethic and determination to be successful.