Muhlenberg Job Corps Participates in Groundhog Job Shadow Day Events

Muhlenberg Job Corps Participates in Groundhog Job Shadow Day Events

Thousands of employers and students around the country took part in Groundhog Job Shadow Day the week of February 2, 2014. Since 1999, this initiative to engage students in employment settings has paired student “shadows” with “workplace mentors” to demonstrate connections between academic and technical skills to careers. Groundhog Job Shadow Day provides a unique opportunity to make the workplace come alive for young people, and that’s what Job Corps is all about.

Each year, Job Corps trains approximately 60,000 young adults for the skills they need to become employable and successful on the job. Job Corps understands the importance of making the connections between center-based classrooms and employer workplaces, and Groundhog Job Shadow Day offers students another opportunity to do just that. For almost 50 years, Job Corps has provided opportunities to more than 2 million young people. Administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, this voluntary, residential training program offers educational, career technical, and social skills training to youth ages 16 to 24 at 126 centers nationwide.

The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center had students shadowing several staff on Center and at multiple businesses throughout the county. Specifically, the Health Career students had the opportunity to shadow Cameron Laycock, Muhlenberg County Circuit Court Clerk, Kentucky Court of Justice. He covered the overall operations of the Circuit Court Clerk’s office and the roles of his staff. Laycock also shared that nearly 1.2 million court cases flow through Kentucky courtrooms each year. The students truly enjoyed their job shadowing experience with Mr. Laycock.