Muhlenberg Job Corps Gears Up for Education
Tags: Horizons Youth Services | Muhlenberg job Corps Center

Muhlenberg Job Corps Gears Up for Education

Several students of the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center who are in academic learning are required to take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE).  When the student reaches a certain TABE score, they are excited because they will no longer have that specific course.  Students who earn the highest score of 12.9 get even more excited, because they are rewarded with a day off campus.

Recently, the last group of high TABE earners had the opportunity to go on an educational  field trip that consisted of a tour of Western Kentucky University, eat lunch at a nice restaurant, enjoyed ice cream at Brewsters, and last but not least, toured The National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky.  The corvette is America’s Sports Car which is an exciting legend that is produced only in Bowling Green, Kentucky.  The museum features over 80 corvettes in periodic settings, including mint classics, one-of-a-kind prototypes and modern day wonders of engineering and design.  As you can imagine, the students were very excited to tour the corvette plant and dream of one day calling the America’s sports car one of their very own.  The TABE test is administered by Ms. Jodi Chick.

The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center serves opportunity youth ages 17-24.  They obtain vocational skill training they need to be successful in their chosen career.  More than 70 percent of Job Corps students earn industry-recognized credentials in one or more than 100 trades in high growth industries.  If you know someone who could benefit from this free program, call (270) 377-3269.