MJCC Honors 37 New Graduates
Tags: Muhlenberg job Corps Center

MJCC Honors 37 New Graduates

Muhlenberg Job Corps Center held a graduation ceremony on June. 21, honoring the accomplishments of 37 new graduates. These graduates completed their career technical training programs, amassing new skills and certifications that make them sought-after employees, and, in the case of students who had yet to complete high school when they enrolled in MJCC, earned their high school diplomas. Additionally, some received certifications in multiple career technical training programs. For these graduates, the road ahead includes enrolling in advanced training programs or college, or beginning new careers in their trades.

On hand to celebrate the success of the graduates was a large contingent of family members, with cameras in hand, who had come from near and far to join in the joy of this special day.

Graduates who have been accepted to advanced training programs within Job Corps and stand out among their peers in the realm of career pathways are; Frank Amorosi; Devin Green; NeZarha Thompson; Alex Desselle; Jace Santiesteban; Jermaine Evans; and Nathaniel Johnson.

Derrick Stewart, CEO of the YMCA of Southwestern Indiana, served as the ceremony’s keynote speaker. Stewart told the students about three brick layers who were individually asked what they were doing in a job. The first two answered that they were laying brick, while the third responded by saying he was building a great cathedral. “You see, it is all about perspective!” He said, reminding the students that they aren’t just going to class at job corps, they are working on building a life for themselves.

The ceremony included special recognition of the valedictorian, Hugette Shikama, who has demonstrated exceptional ‘soft skills’ in her professionalism, accountability, and attitude, as well as an exemplary motivation in academics and career technical training.

Graduate speaker Rachel Parsley reminded students of the bright future ahead and reflected on the class’ accomplishments in Job Corps. “Look at us, the graduates of 2018 at Muhlenberg Job Corps. Remember the Job Corps motto, ‘give us a year of your life and we will give you a lifetime of successes’.” Said Parsley

Fellow student Jacob Crumb performed Green Day’s, ‘Good Riddance’, to entertain the graduates and congratulate them.

Afterwards the graduates and their families gathered in the Multipurpose room for graduation cake and beverages putting closure to another outstanding graduation ceremony.