MJCC Twin Sisters Receive College Scholarships

MJCC Twin Sisters Receive College Scholarships

College is on the horizon for twin sisters Kerry Ann and Terry Ann Talbert, as they are the fortunate recipients of scholarships from the Scholarship Assistance Foundation(SAF) affiliated with the Community Blood Centers of Florida(CBCF). Since it started in 1977, SAF has awarded over $5 million in scholarships that have benefitted hundreds of deserving students to continue their education after high school.  The sisters, who were enrolled as students at the Miami Job Corps Center(MJCC), were selected for their outstanding achievements in serving their community through organizing and participating in blood drives. The scholarships were awarded May 1, 2012, on behalf of George “Bud” Scholl, CBCF’s President. The Talbert twins have registered and will begin attending school at Miami Dade College on June 18.

Kerry Ann and Terry Ann grew up in Jamaica, and came to the US in 2011.  Residing in Miami Gardens, the twins enrolled in Miami Jobs Corps and became noticed for their leadership qualities early on.  The sisters were students of the center’s Accounting program, and both earned their Career Technical Training Certification in the trade.  Their Accounting Instructor, Jose Guerrero said, “I’m very pleased for the accomplishments of Terry and Kerry. They were excellent students to work with. They are both so dedicated and motivated, and I’m confident they will be successful”.  Additionally, Kerry Ann and Terry Ann were actively involved with positive program initiatives, such as working at the 2012 Sony Ericsson Open Tennis Tournament in Key Biscayne and serving as Ambassadors for the center’s Community Relations Council events. The sisters were also active participants in the Work Based Learning(WBL) program at MJCC, working as Clerks in the Finance Department. Additionally, they both earned their Drivers Licenses through the center’s Drivers Education Program. Terry has even begun working a part-time job, and her sister Kerry Talbert said she herself is very excited to begin school, start working and to continue to move forward with her future goals.

When it comes to success stories through community service, Job Corps, the nation’s largest and most successful education and workforce training program for young adults, is renowned for Making a  Difference in communities across the country. Job Corps has 125 centers nationwide, and all actively engage their students and staff to collaborate with community partners and benefit charitable causes in the spirit of volunteerism.  Through their efforts, thousands of community service hours are contributed annually, and blood drives are an important part of that.  Locally in Miami Gardens, the Miami Job Corps Center has a 6 year long partnership with Community Blood Centers of Florida. The center’s Business & Community Liaison, Lori Trujillo, said students and staff proudly sponsor blood drives on a quarterly basis on campus. In regards to the recent drive on May 30, CBCSF’s Donor recruitment Assistant Director, Luis Losa, stated, “The students at Miami Job Corps have been great about volunteering, and today we had 40 students who donated.”  This single day effort translates into saving nearly 120 lives, since on average 3 persons with medical emergencies can benefit from every 1 pint donated, according to the American Red Cross. Yet beyond supporting the cause, hosting blood drives has benefits for the students as well. Blood donors get a mini health screening when they sign up, and this also includes a blood pressure reading. Job Corps students also gain customer service and teamwork skills by helping to organize drives, as they are directly involved in event advertising, volunteer recruiting and registration activities.

Community Blood Centers of Florida is a champion when it comes to making a difference in the lives of thousands of citizens.  From its beginnings in 1975 as an emerging non-profit dedicated to promoting high quality services to Broward hospitals & patients to the expansive organization that stands today, CBCF has made its mark not only in South Florida, but across the state and nationwide. Their 50 mobile buses travel throughout Southeast and Central Florida on a scheduled basis visiting groups, schools, businesses, government agencies and organizations . Since CBCF’s inception, nearly 1.8 million donors have given blood.  Every donor is a hero, as their generous gift aids hospitalized patients undergoing critical medical emergencies. From a new born in intensive care to a grandparent fighting cancer, donations give the young and old a chance for a brighter future. The collaborative efforts of Job Corps and Community Blood Centers of Florida, while having impacted the community at large, have also in turn opened new doors of opportunities for these aspiring twins embarking on their futures.

The Miami Job Corps Center is located in Miami Gardens, FL. It provides GED, HighSchool Diploma, and 10 Career Technical Training program offerings to youth of ages 16-24.  To find out more about our internship programs, hiring our students or building community partnerships; please contact Lori Trujillo, Business Community Liaison at (305)620-3125 or