Los Angeles Job Corps Success Story: Gabriel Taube

Los Angeles Job Corps Success Story: Gabriel Taube

Gabriel Taube, Computer Technology completer, was like so many of our students, gifted but lacking direction and guidance. He entered the program and initially had a hard time adjusting and found himself facing disciplinary actions. He quickly regrouped by finding a mentor on center and was soon solicited to work in the Center Director’s office on a Work-Based Learning assignment. During this time he took the opportunity to learn as much as he could about the program and how it worked. His thirst for knowledge and ability to put himself in the right place at the right time, gave him the opportunity for an internship at the National Office of Job Corps in the IT Department. While on this assignment, he was such a great representation of the Job Corp student, he was nicknamed the Mayor.
Gabriel also had the privilege of meeting the Secretary of the Department of Labor, received a tour of the White House and upon completion of the program, was offered assistance to further his education and landed a job with the Department of Labor. Gabriel is one of our recent success stories and we thank him for being such a shining example of the gifted and talented young people that Los Angeles Job Corps serves every day.