On Wednesday May 4, 2011 a successful Center Industry Council Meeting & Guidance Counselor tour was held on center with a walking tour of classrooms including Certified Nurses Assistant (C.N.A.), Hard trades (Painting, Electrical & Carpentry) and Plasters & Cement Mason with these clusters CIC guest had an overview of the vocational classes training outlined/TAR requirements, classroom projects and student placement information by their instructor and student representative of the class. Local news WAGM-TV also was available for coverage and aired the segment that evening. At the Luncheon following, the Culinary Arts students and instructor were featured, acknowledged on appreciation of the incredible meal presentation and service. The honor guard students and their instructor were thanked for presentation of colors, student representation of classes along with Student Government students thanks for their participation. Since this council has been revised to include added representation of LJCC offered vocations we ask all guest to introduce themselves and state their relationship to LJCC, acknowledge their place of business and to make proper introductions. It was remarkable the positive testimonials that our members stated. Representatives from S.W. Collins, Pines Health Center, Healthy Aroostook/ACAP, U.S. Army, Aramark/NMCC, MDOL Career Center, Maine Army Nat’l Guard, Caribou High School and Eastern Maine AHEC were in Attendance. Senator Snowe’s and Congressman Michaud’s local represenatives also attended. A total of forty two guest were in attendance.
Loring Job Corps (CIC) Center Industry Council had Walking Meeting Tour & Luncheon served by Culinary Arts Students
Tags: Center Industry Council | Culinary Arts | employer partner | Job Corps | Loring | Loring Job Corps