Commencement Day at Loring Job Corps Center
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Commencement Day at Loring Job Corps Center

On Tuesday morning at 8:00am the LJCC Community Center/Ballroom was busy with student anticipation, laughter and questions of who the guest speakers were in attendance to celebrate the 1st National Job Corps Commencement Day. The honor guard posted colors which followed by the National Anthem then the “Star Spangled Banner” sung effortlessly by student Marie Daniels. 

The Agenda was as follows:

 1st Annual National Job Corps Commencement Day held on August 30, 2011


1.  Honor Guard Defenders Post Colors, National Anthem sung by student, Marie Daniels

2. Announcement of 1st Commencement Day for National Job Corps Association – CD, Kristie Moir & BCL, Pam Buck

Introduction of guest speakers:

Senator/Congress & State Representatives –

  1. Honorable Senator Susan Collins State Office Representative Mr. Phillip Bosse to present her message of accomplishment and congratulations to our students. Mr. Bosse went on to encourage our students to strive to their fullest potential and all the affirmative support they have from his staff and our Honorable Senator Collins.
  2. Honorable Senator Olympia Snowe sent a letter to be read by LJCC BCL, Pamela D. Buck that congratulated our student’s special occasion.
  3. Honorable Congressman Michael Michaud sent a Congressional Record to be read by LJCC BCL, Pamela D. Buck from the Maine House of Representatives honoring National Job Corps Commencement Day.
  4. State Representatives Bernard Ayotte &   Peter Edgecomb had a sentiment to be read.  Many word of wisdom for our students past and present accomplishment and their positive endeavors in our community were mentioned.
Local Partnerships Guest Speakers


  1. Darren Woods, CEM-ME, Deputy Director, Aroostook County Emergency Management spoke to our students about a new partnership program named the “Rookie Fire Fighter School” that our student Paul Garnafngin participated with outstanding dedication. He went on to relate that the fire, ambulance and protected services in general need more committed, caring employees due to low enrollment in this field. Also stated you must go after what you choose for a livelihood or occupation it will never be handed to you, you must earn it with dedication and hard work but it will be rewarding in the long run.
  2. William (Bill) Flagg, Cary Medical Center, Director, Community Relations & Development. Mr. Flagg spoke to the students concerning all the community service and internships that had positively impact his, Cary Medical and our community relations. All the hard work and commitment of our staff and the program has definitely been a great resource to our residents and developed beneficial resources for our youth education and job development. Kim Parent his Assistant also spoke of all the internship students she had the privilege to mentor and be a part of their lives as student of LJCC.

3.  Special Student Recognition and Awards:

  • Student Government Association Member introduction
  • ACT students introductions Nick Welch, Patricia White, Porscha Williams, Myasia Williams, Ridge Klonicke, Richard Danilowicz, Alexander Rang
  •  Top three Positive students from CSIO announced
  • SGA & Honor Guard Awards
  • Highest WBL Hours Award(500 – 1200 WBL hours accomplished)
  • CTT Manager Award
  • Center Director Student Award

 4.  Closing Poem by student Mercedes Reid, self composed named “ Wake Up America”  A standing ovation was given by all staff & students! 

 5. State of Maine Dessert will be served in the Café during lunch  – “Whoopie Pies”