LRJCC Holds an Advanced Training Seminar
Tags: Advanced Training | Arkansas | Little Rock | Little Rock Job Corps | Little Rock Job Corps Center | LRJCC | Steve Brando | TCU/IAM | Transportation Communications Union/IAM Advanced Training program

LRJCC Holds an Advanced Training Seminar

On Thursday, November 19th, Little Rock Job Corps received a visit from Steve Brando, the national coordinator for the Transportation Communications Union/IAM Advanced Training program. The approximately 40 students that attended the seminar either qualified for the TCU program or had interest in learning more about Advanced Training. Students had an opportunity to learn what the TCU program has to offer and the types of employment students can obtain upon completion of the program.

Mr. Brando started his presentation by letting students know when he walks into a room, he is already interviewing and making observations. He gave an overview of the different centers that offered TCU and what programs were available, from Barge workers to Airline Service workers and Railway crews. The students were presented with a DVD that showed students talking about the opportunities within the TCU program and shared success stories. Mr. Brando then offered students the opportunity to complete applications and interviews for the TCU program. Three students were interviewed and their applications will be forwarded along to the center level for interview. Two of the students interviewed have selected St. Louis as the center they are interested in and the other student selected San Jose.

Mr. Brando also took the opportunity to greet the CPP students during the new student luncheon. He spoke about the importance of maintaining a good conduct record in order to get into advanced training and the opportunities the program could provide. We thank Mr. Brando for taking the time to visit our center and look forward to partnering with him for the future success of the Little Rock students.