On February 24th, several Little Rock Job Corps students, along with WBL Advisor, John Bednara, reached out to schools in the community speaking to staff and students, promoting the Job Corps program in collaboration with our OA Contractor, W.E.N. The students went to Bryant High School, Hamilton Learning Academy, and Mills High School. At Mills, the Job Corps students spoke with the Principal, Guidance Counselor, Resource Officer and three students. They asked our students to return this week to give a presentation to students.
On Thursday of this week, students Makala Colin, Zoe McKenzie, Cody Neighbors, Cortez Page, Travon Raynor, Rae Jae Robinson, Wyatt Whitfield and Tymir McFarland returned to Mills High School to speak to the students. The students set up a table in the Cafeteria with information and brochures about the Job Corps program. They also rotated between the cafeteria and classrooms presenting information. During their visit, they were able to reach out to dozens of students and explained in detail the career technical training and academic classes available, as well as give examples of their daily routine and expectations while enrolled in Job Corps. The Mills High School students had a positive response towards the presentation and asked questions. Cortez Page also met with Security and JROTC classes containing around 15 students in each class and answered questions about the security trade on center, as well as handed out brochures. Travon Raynor, Tymir McFarland and Cody Neighbors did a fabulous job of answering student questions and describing our facility and trades.
Little Rock Visits Local High Schools
Tags: Arkansas | Community Outreach | Little Rock | Little Rock Job Corps | Little Rock Job Corps Center | LRJCC | outreach