On November 18, 2015 Kittrell Job Corps Center Y2Y Ambassadors sponsored a “Stop Bullies Bullying” Program in the Center gymnasium. Mr. Dentis Shaw was the presenter. During his presentation he shared his vision with center students which included to value themselves and others, respect themselves and others, make good choices, to love one another, forgive, and honor, first themselves and second others. He shared that this vision would help with the prevention of bullying and violence. He also provided tips on staying motivated and ways to establish healthy relationships. Mr. Shaw gave the students honorbands as a reminder to love and forgive. The candlelight van was thehighlight of his presentation and he expressed that it represented peace and non-violence. A question and answer session was held at the end of the program.
Y2Y Ambassadors “Stop Bullies Bullying” Program
Tags: Ambassadors | Dr. Dentis Shaw | Honorbands | Stop the Bullying | Y2Y