Kittrell Job Corps Center’s Youth 2 Youth (Y2Y) Ambassador President, Felicitas Perez, Y2Y Ambassador, Kristina Graham, Y2Y Ambassador, Shavada Rosenboro, and BCL Director, Joan Robinson, visited the Vance County Learning Center on March 23, 2016. The Ambassadors spoke with the students about anti-bullying and non-violence. During their presentation they requested that the students not only take a stand for themselves, but for others as well. The Ambassadors talked about the various types of bullying and steps to take to stop bullying. Vance County Learning Center students enjoyed the role play demonstrating bullying with the Ambassadors. A question and answer session was held at the end of the demonstration .
Kittrell’s Youth 2 Youth Student Ambassadors Speak to Local School Students
Tags: Anti Bullying | Vance Learning Center | Y2Y Student Ambassadors