Left to right: Jabez Brown, SGA Sergeant-at-Arms; Imani Bridges, SGA Vice-President; Elia Kernell, SGA President; Joliet Mayor Bob O’Dekirk; Nanika Cross, SGA Secretary; and Chrishawnda James, SGA Treasurer.
As part of Groundhog Shadow Day, the Joliet Job Corps Center’s Student Government Association decided to attend a meeting of the Joliet City Council.
Five SGA members and Peer Leadership Coordinator Thanesha Sorrells attended the regular meeting on Feb. 2. The student leaders were amazed at the amount of information that was provided doing the proceedings, and several of the students did not know that the meetings of local government were open to the public.
They also were surprised to learn that the members of the City Council used Robert’s Rules of Order — the same procedures used during SGA’s leadership meetings.
The students also enjoyed meeting the members of the City Council including Bettye Gavin, John Gerl, Jim McFarland, Terry Morris, Pat Mudron, Jan Quillman and Michael Turk.
Mayor Bob O’Dekirk was very eager to have his picture taken with the students.
“You all are the reason we are here today. We want to make improvements to the city of Joliet for the young generation who lives in Joliet,” the mayor said.