A group of guest speakers from Narcotics Anonymous came to the Center on Wednesday to share their experiences, strengths and hopes with students.
They had been invited by TEAP Counselor Patricia Alberty to talk about their battles with drugs and alcohol. In the end, they empowered the students to tackle any problems they might face in life.
Jessica, a young woman who has been clean and sober for 20 days, told the group that she began drinking with her parents at age 12. Five years later, she was diagnosed with a medical condition, began taking prescription medications and soon was abusing them. When her doctor realized what she was doing, he refused to prescribe anything more to her. She soon was using heroin, something she had promised her-self that she never would do.
After nearly losing a lifelong friendship and the custody of her young son, Jessica decided to change her life and get clean. She told the students that they could change their own lives, if they needed to do so. And she urged them to be relentless when seeking help, if they ever needed it.
At the end of the presentation, the students seemed moved by her story and lined up to hug Jessica and thank her.
“She wasn’t that many days clean, but she was willing to talk about it,” student Alexis Culver said. “She was courageous.”