Congressman Dan Lipinski (left) introduces himself to Joliet Job Corps Center student Zachary Mead-Prunty.
The Joliet Job Corps Center’s Student Ambassadors traveled to Palos Hills, Ill., on July 25 to meet congressman Dan Lipinski and his staff.
The Ambassadors wanted to talk to the Congressman about the Job Corps program and their studies, so they stopped by the Congressman’s Senior Fair at the Aviana Banquet Hall. Ambassador Zachary Mead-Prunty is a Security student who has enlisted in the military and would like to go into politics. Zachary asked the Congressman for pointers on how to begin a political career.
“You either get involved in local politics or some kind of community organization or issue group to learn about policy making,” the Congressman said. “You want to put yourself out there.”
Ambassador Derrick Jennings is studying Culinary Arts. While getting a cup of coffee, he met Christine Suddreth from the PLOWS Council on Aging. They talked about Derrick’s plans to attend Advanced Training and earn his CDL. After he finishes all of his Job Corps training, he would like to combine his skills to open a business involving a food truck.
“It would be meals on wheels!” Derrick said.
The students enjoyed talking about the Job Corps program to the others attending the fair. But making a connection with a local leader was the best part, they agreed.
“It was great to meet the Congressman,” Ambassador Porscha Smith said. “He was really nice.”