LPN Advanced Training Graduate Visits Joliet Job Corps
Tags: Joliet Job Corps | nursing

LPN Advanced Training Graduate Visits Joliet Job Corps

Former Joliet Job Corps graduate and completer of the Cassadaga LPN advanced training program stopped by the Center to pay a visit to her old instructors. Since her enrollment at the Joliet Job Corps Center, she accomplished many things including her Pharmacy Technician and Certified Nursing Assistant vocational trade completion. Once she started Pharmacy Tech, she realized that she wanted to become a nurse and then enrolled in the Certified Nursing Assistant trade. She enjoyed the C.N.A. program so much that she decided to take her education a step further and work on attending advanced training to become a Licensed Practical Nurse.

“Once I completed the C.N.A. program, I knew that Nursing was the career for me….that was what made me apply to Cassadaga,” stated Rebecca. Once she got accepted to the LPN advanced training program in New York, she prepared herself to embark on a journey of learning and exposure to different cultures. “When I got there, it was a bit intimidating, but the Cassadaga staff assisted with getting acclimated with the program and before you knew it, I was exceeding in not only my classes, but my social life as well,” stated Rebecca. She says that if she would give one word of advise to her peers it would be to stay humble and motivated. “When you have humility and motivation, you are destined to rise to the top,” she added. Since her completion of advanced training, she obtained employment at Fairview Nursing Home in Glenwood, purchased her first car, and is now saving money to get her own apartment.

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