When the training day is over, it’s time for fellowship and fun at the Joliet Job Corps Center.
The Center’s Counselors and Recreation Specialists put lots of time and effort into organizing enriching activities for the students that are really enjoyable.
Sometimes they get a little help from the Center’s friends. Volunteer Gia Bettinardi

The students who are part of the Loving My Selfie group make vision boards with volunteer Gia Bettinardi.
of Mercy Gate International Church, Palos Heights, Ill., worked with the Loving My Selfie women’s group recently to create vision boards to illustrate their dreams and goals. As part of the project, the young women made presentations to the group that explained their designs.
Counselor Debra Williams and Dorm Supervisor Kori Birks always are trying to strengthen the relationships among students. So they created a Big Sisters and Little Sisters group to form real bonds between older and younger students. “There are some things you just can’t talk about with older adults,” Ms. Williams said.
At the end of June, the students decorated T-shirts that had been donated by Finance Director Anneice Owens. Student Lonya McCullough was particularly proud of her bright pink creation.
It’s been a hot summer so far, so the students have enjoyed trips to Joliet’s Splash Station Water Park. It’s a great place get cool in the lazy river or with a cup of frozen yogurt.
And thanks to R. Dale Evans of Joliet, a community activist who will be the featured speaker at the Aug. 12 Commencement Ceremony, some students have made trips to Chicago to see the White Sox play. Mr. Evans has generously donated tickets to the Center for the students to use.