The Jacksonville Job Corps student leaders kicked off the week long national Youth2Youth initiative on Monday, September 14, 2015. Over 250 students and 100 staff members shared in this partners 4 Peace intiative. The week began with Y2Y student leader Troy Johnson leading the movement by explaining what Y2Y is about and why it is so important to our students and community. Troy encouraged his peers to sign the partner 4 peace pledge and stop the violence. Students were so inspired by the message of Y2Y that many wanted to become members of the committee in addition to signing the pledge card.
Invited speaker for the kick off was Detective L. Brown. Detective Brown works for Home Land Security with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, he has seen and dealth with youth on youth violence for many year. Officer Brown shared his personal story while growing up in Jacksonville. He stated that his biggest obstacle was in his household, his father didn’t want him play sports or any outside activities but his coaches saw the ability that this young man had and encouraged and supported him. Because his father didn’t want him to play football and would not take him to practice he had to ride 12 miles to practice everyday. Mr. Brown stated that he was determined to make something of his life.
His abilities as a football player was such that he was drafted in the NFL and played for 2 years befored getting injured and had to retire. His message to the students was to never give up even when those closest to you are trying to destroy your dreams.
Students and staff participated in a volley game that created an atmosphere of fun and team spirit. The week ended with a t-shirt contest, each trade created their version of what Youth@Youth meant to them. The winning trades will be treated to a dinner on and off center. The week ended with Y2Y team leader Troy Johnson participating in a radio interview about Y2Y.
Other upcoming events for Y2Y include a citywide partnership with organizations signing the Y2Y banner and pedges for peace and sharing the message with non-profit agencies and other youth groups. This will be an on-going project for the Jacksonville Job Corps Center.