The Inland Empire Job Corps Center hosted National Night Out on August 3, 2010 for several hundred community members. The event was sponsored by Fifth District San Bernardino County Supervisor Josie Gonzales and is the only event for the community surrounding the Inland Center.
National Night Out is a wonderful opportunity for the community to meet and learn more about the men and women who protect and serve them, our county departments, sheriff’s officers and firefighters, as well as receive the latest information on available programs and services.
A variety of agencies provided information at the Inland Empire Job Corps Center including representatives from County Sheriff, Fire, Code Enforcement, Solid Waste, Museum, Public Health, Aging and Adult Services, Transitional Assistance and Children and Family Services departments. Arrowhead Regional Medical Center provided free health screenings through its mobile clinic van.
Other participating agencies and organizations included Kids N’ Care, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Inland Empire Job Corps Center, First 5 San Bernardino, San Bernardino City Readers, and representatives from the office of Assembly Member Wilmer Amina Carter.
Inland Empire Job Corps trainees volunteered and did a super job of making the event a success. The popular snow-cone and popcorn booths were operated by Job Corps volunteers – and there was always a long line for the treats. They were so eager to volunteer, always asking how they could be of help.