Article written by Marjorie Lopez, Director of Education Services – East Coast SIATech Charter High School
On September 20, 2011 SIATech and the Homestead Job Corps
Center hosted an Open House event for
community and family members so they
could observe both the educational and
career-technical training experiences students
participate in each day. The event
proved beneficial not only for the community
and families but also for trainees nearing
completion of their programs and for
those identified as team leaders. These
students got the opportunity to practice
their public speaking skills in preparation
for future interviews. Trainees also displayed
“Real Learning for Real Life” as
they showcased acquired skills in career
training classes.
Visitors enjoyed an afternoon of departmental
presentations, student demonstrations,
and refreshments as they visited
classrooms and training areas.
After a tour of the SIATech high school
program, parent Ana Gonzalez remarked, “I
wish I had been able to attend a high school
like this. They need more partnerships like
this. I am happy my son has this opportunity.
Thank you for inviting me here.”