On March 24th CSD staff hosted and participated in the Guthrie Job Corps Center (GJCC) joint Workforce & Community Relations Council luncheon. The GJCC Culinary Arts students prepared and served a delicious meal to those in attendance. Community Relation guests included the Mayor of Guthrie, Guthrie Police Department, and Guthrie Public Schools. Brad Griffith, the Director of Online Learning Initiative from the Oklahoma State Regents for High Learning, gave an informative presentation. Some of the Workforce guests included Cyber Security, Plumbing, and Mercy Hospital. The US Army, OK Army National Guard, and US Navy Recruiters were all in attendance, as well.
CSD staff hosted and participated in the Guthrie Job Corps Center (GJCC) joint Workforce & Community Relations Council luncheon
CSD staff hosted and participated in the Guthrie Job Corps Center (GJCC) joint Workforce & Community Relations Council luncheon
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