Congressman Cuellar visits Gary Job Corps and ALERRT
Congressman Henry Cuellar, Co-Chair Friends of Job Corps Congressional Caucus, visits the Gary Job Corps Center and as a member of the Homeland Security Committee toured the ALERRT Center. The Congressman visited the Medical, Corrections/ Security, Smart Metering, and Linesman Classrooms sharing with students and instructors the need for the courses that are being taught for the future of America. Congressman Cuellar related to the students the need for education in the ever changing needs of the current workforce. Students shared with the Congressman their progress in the coursework and of their journey to the Gary Job Corps Center. Touring the ALERRT Center the Congressman was shown the training facility and the mission of the Center and partnerships with law enforcement agencies. Concluding the Tour was a Gary Community Relations Council Luncheon with many local dignitaries showing appreciation for the Congressman’s service to America. During the Luncheon Congressman Cuellar spoke of the increasing need for education, the changing workforce, on the Job Corps he stated that it “transforms lives”.
Congressman Henry Cuellar visit Gary Job Corps
Tags: Gary Job Corps
Congressman Henry Cuellar visit Gary Job Corps
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