Staff and students boldly wore their pink attire in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The month of October the Center halls were adorned with staff and students sporting their pink ribbons and wearing their pink shirts, pink socks, pink jewelry and even pink shoes. In an effort to raise money for the worthy cause, every Wednesday was “Caring Men and Women Wear Pink Day.” For just $1 per pink attire, staff donated generously.
Staff and students also hosted a very successful pink bake sale where everything on the menu was pink…and at GJCC a charity event would not be such a huge success if it wasn’t for casual day Fridays for just $3. Altogether, staff donated over 500 to the North Florida’s Susan G Komen Fund.
A couple of months earlier in August, GJCC was among the top 20 highest supporters of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). August 29, 2011, the Gainesville Job Corps Center donated $630 to help children battling muscle disease. GJCC’s support helped MDA raise over $68, 000. The center’s contribution was the 12th highest amount donated in Alachua County.