6.29.16 The Gadsden Job Corps Center hosted its semiannual Workforce Council Meeting on Wednesday, June 29, 2016. The attendees included city officials, community leaders, owners of local businesses, WBL employers, and state-based organizations, etc. Mr. Harold Carpenter, BCL Manager, shared some of the great things which are happening on campus with our CTT Departments and Mrs. Artisha Richey, CTT Manager, spoke about current events in the different trades. Mr. Sonquez Williams, Director of Boys and Girls Club of Gadsden, AL shared how Job Corps students have made an impact with the Boys and Girls Club in Gadsden. Mr. Carpenter closed the meeting by thanking our Culinary Arts and Hotel and Lodging students for serving and hosting the Workforce Council Meeting.
Gadsden Job Corps Center Hosted Workforce Council Meeting
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