3.24.16 CTS Instructor, Ceandra James and The CTS and Grad 90 students of Gadsden Job Corps went to The Jefferson County Workforce Investment Board (JCWIA) in Birmingham, AL. to meet with Deborah Oliver, Administrative Clerk. Mrs. Oliver gave the students an introductory class about the JCWIA and how the JCWIA Office could serve each student. The (JCWIA) Board is a federally funded program that will assists Job Corps Students in obtaining employment. It offers three levels of services to adults, dislocated workers and comprehensive services to youth. The Jefferson County Workforce Investment Area (JCWIA) office provides planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation services to participating organizations. The JCWIA office works to create and operate a premier workforce development system that fosters economic development by linking employers and Job Corps Students with providers of education and training; educating and training marketable workforce; and serving as the resource for information and services to meet the needs of Jefferson County’s workforce and employers.
CTS and Grad 90 Students Meet With JCWIA
Tags: Gadsden Job Corps Center