On July 6th the Flint/Genesee Job Corps Center gave a warm welcome to Mayor of Flint Michigan, Dayne Walling, and Mayor of Youngstown, Ohio, Jay Williams, along with U.S. Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis who toured the Centers’ Single Parent Dormitory, Child Development Center, and afterwards meeting with the entire staff during a training session held in the Recreation Center. During a news conference held before the tour of Center, Secretary Solis announced Mr. Williams new role as the Director of the Office of Recovery for Autoworkers and Communities. The City of Flint, which suffers high unemployment due to close downs of numerous auto plants, was pleased to hear of the new assignment. The Flint/Genesee Job Corps Center was pleased to have our guest take time from their busy schedule to share time with us and learn more of our services to young adults!
Two Mayors Visit Flint/Genesee Job Corps Center
Tags: Flint/Genesee | Mayor