Various Letters of Congratulations to Flint Genesee Job Corps Centers graduates were presented during the graduation commencement held today at the Center. Dusty Houser, Regional Representative for Senator Carl Levin, read remarks from the Senator, “You’ve worked hard to earn your diplomas and you have much to be proud of. You are now ready to go out into a larger world and start your careers”. Senator also added that it was certainly an appropriate day for the graduates to begin the next chapter in their lives as today is the anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s signing of the Economic Opportunity Act which created Job Corps. The letter ended with best wishes to all graduates for a very successful future. Both students and staff were appreciative of motivational words from Senator Levin’s Office.
Letter of Congratulations to Graduates Received from Senator Carl Levin
Tags: Flint/Genesee | Graduation | Senator Levin