Graduates from the Excelsior Springs Job Corps Welding Program Antonieo and Donte, upon completion, they were accepted into the TCU/IAM Advanced Training Program at the Excelsior Springs location. Each student worked very hard to complete the Carmen program and master the skills necessary to inspect and repair railcars. The two young men were Kansas City, MO residents and relocated to Tacoma, WA to begin a career with the TTX Company as Carmen in June 2012, earning high union wages with full benefits. Lead Field Representative, Susan Stanley states, “We are all very proud of the achievements and goals that each of these students have made. Mr. Stine, ESJCC Welding Instructor recommended fine candidates for the TCU/IAM Advanced Training –Carmen Program. These young men are evidence that career pathways and team work produce positive results and change the lives of young adults.” The two young men unanimously stated, “Mr. Stine, the TCU Program and the Excelsior Springs Job Corps Center helped us get where we are today. All the hard work and rules were well worth it. Thank you all.”
Faces of Job Corps; Antonieo and Donte
Tags: Excelsior Springs | excelsior springs job corps center | tcu | TCU/IAM | TCU; commuter rail; casinos