Honorary Guest Speaker at CJCC Commencement Exercise…
Councilman Richard Starr, from Ward #5. Recognized as a leader in Cleveland’s Central Community for his grassroots humble beginnings and demonstrated activism plus commitment to creating positive change, congratulates and embraces our 02/17/23 Graduates. His foundation built upon graduating from East Tech High is paradigm to the success we celebrated here as our graduates looked up on his accomplishments, since then, imagining the possibilities for themselves here on.
Upward bound. Encouraged and inspired to do greater things by Councilman Starr’s amazing tragectory and journey of Success. He has come a long way. Reaching for the stars. “And so will our graduates” he assured them. “One successful step at a time”. he concluded. As he embraced each one. “The leaders of our tomorrow”, says Wally Espada. Business Community Liaison at CJCC.