Free Mask Workshop-Diversity & Cultural Inclusion
Free Mask Workshop-Diversity & Cultural Inclusion
As our Cleveland Job Corps Center “kicks off” rekindling our on Center Spanish Club “ESPERANZA”, providing HOPE for a better future today, several of our Job Corps students experience the CMA’s Community Centers FREE, Mask Making Workshop led by Nebeska Aviles, a community activist in Cleveland. The workshop took place at the Cleveland Museum of Art. The PIVOT ART-DANCE–EXPRESSION location. An experience six students expressed was “Calming”, “Relaxing” “Peaceful”, “Different” “Fun” “Creative” “Diverse”…and much more. As they concentrated on learning the technique used to make a “Vejigante Mask” They reveled in the process – “The vibrant “vejigante” masks (called “caretas” in Spanish) are typically green, yellow, and red, or red and black, and always look scary. These whimsical masks are a cultural expression unique to Puerto Rico; the students learned as Ms. Aviles, better know as “Becky”, announced the Puerto Rican Parade and talked about how the mask are used with a full fledged bright and multi colorful and flambuoyant costume. Becky goes on to explain that the masks, can be made from paper-“mache” or coconut husks. The “caretas” masks, are hand painted- and include horns, fangs, and polka dots. However, Ms. Nebeska encouraged all participating, “to be creative and create unique masks per there own inspiration and creativity”. The art of making these masks is part of a promotion for the upcoming Puerto Rican Parade and festival next month on the weekend of the 6th of August. Parade in which our Cleveland Job Corps students and staff will be participating. In collaboration and as an “all inclusive” diversity approach to learning and embracing different cultures represented here in Cleveland. Take a look. Pictures speak louder than words.