Please congratulate the FIRST student to complete our new CNC Machining Program Eric Weakley Jr. He is headed to the Army where his Career Field will be Utility Equipment Repair. The first thing that was evident about Eric was his humility when he arrived. Not hesitant to admit that there was a lot that he did not know. Has never been afraid to ask questions, always willing to learn and loves to try new things. He has a “whatever you need me to do attitude.” All of these attributes are going to take him far in life I am confident of that. Great Interpersonal Skills never even a whisper of him having an issue with Staff or a Student. Readily received a lot of Leadership and Mentorship Training from RC Wynne by being a part of Pool with a Purpose and from RC Melvin Washington by being a long time resident in the Honors Dorm. You will be missed but I hope we receive many more students such as yourself. We wish you the best!!! And I forgot to mention that he does plan to eventually attend college for Information Technology. Says, Residential Counselor Supervisor Ms. Bridget Thomas at Cleveland Job Corps Center.