Congratulations are in order…

Please congratulate the FIRST student to complete our new CNC Machining Program Eric Weakley Jr. 😊 He is headed to the Army 🫡🫡where his Career Field will be Utility Equipment Repair. The first thing that was evident about Eric was his humility when he arrived. Not hesitant to admit that there was a lot that he did not know. 🤔 Has never been afraid to ask questions, always willing to learn and loves to try new things. He has a “whatever you need me to do attitude.” All of these attributes are going to take him far in life I am confident of that. 🙌 Great Interpersonal Skills never even a whisper of him having an issue with Staff or a Student. Readily received a lot of Leadership and Mentorship Training from RC Wynne by being a part of Pool with a Purpose and from RC Melvin Washington by being a long time resident in the Honors Dorm. 🎱 🎱 🎱 You will be missed but I hope we receive many more students such as yourself. We wish you the best!!! 🥇🥇🥇And I forgot to mention that he does plan to eventually attend college for Information Technology. Says, Residential Counselor Supervisor Ms. Bridget Thomas at Cleveland Job Corps Center.
May be a selfie of 1 person and braids
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