Cleveland Job Corps Graduation 2018

Cleveland Job Corps Graduation 2018

The Cleveland Job Corps Center invited 134 trainees to participate in a graduation ceremony held on Friday, August 17, 2018, at 2 pm in the Recreation Center on the Job Corps campus. Mr. William Houston, Center Director, welcomed the graduates, their friends and families, and current Job Corps trainees to the ceremony.
Tiffany Tarpley, WKYC Cleveland’s Channel 3 weekday morning host, delivered the commencement address. Ms. Tarpley encouraged the graduates to aspire for greatness and to remember they choose what their future will be.
The 134 graduates accumulated a number of recognitions. Sixty graduates completed the program with honors, earning a 12.9 grade level equivalent in either math or reading. Sixteen of those trainees earned double 12.9 honors attaining a 12.9 grade level in both math and reading. Damirah Hawkins, Pharmacy Technician, was one such double 12.9 recipient. “Earning a double 12.9 in math and reading means a lot to me,” Hawkins said. “I worked hard to earn the recognition. I could not have attained the 12.9s without the support and help from my math instructors, Mr. Roy Levy and Mr. Neal Randol, and my reading teacher, Ms. Camale Allen. As much as I didn’t like being in the classes, it was definitely worth the effort.”
Sisters, Aisha and Brittany White participated in the graduation ceremony together. “It means a great deal to me to be able to share this moment with my sister, Aisha White – STNA, my family, friends, and instructors who helped me along my Job Corps journey,” Brittany White, Medical Assistant said.
Sharlandis Johnson, Carpentry, said she feels great about completing the program and walking in the graduation ceremony. “I never thought I would make it this far,” Johnson said. “I kept pushing forward and I made it. This program has helped me change my ways. I am excited about what my future holds in store for me now that I have my high school diploma and trade certificate.”