CJCC – CNC instructor takes students on field trip during National Apprenticeship Week
Cleveland Job Corps – CNC Instructor Mr. Carlos Lemus takes students on field trip during National Apprenticeship Week.
On 11-16-2022, Lemus took his students out to the PCC Airfoils, LLC in Mentor. Mr. Christopher M. Messina, Human Resources Manager hosted their visit on their premises.
Messina, thanked the students and Lemus for coming out and taking interest in what they do. “It was a pleasure”. He said. Asking Lemus to “please let him know if Lemus would like to bring another group through in the future”.
Lots of good questions were asked by students that peeked great interest in what they do at PCC Airfoils. Lemus said and Messina reiterated that “It was a pleasure to give them a tour and to explain to these students what PCC Airfoils in Mentor manufactures. Explaining that at the Mentor facility, “they principally manufacture Industrial Gas Turbine (IGT) products for land-based turbine products for land-based turbine applications for power generation”. Messina concluded.