On September 10, 2010, three of Cleveland Job Corps previous students were inducted into the City Year Program.
City Year Cleveland’s 50 corps members – 17-24 year olds giving a minimum of 1,700 hours of service – serve full-time for 10 months Monday through Thursday in Cleveland’s schools.
As near-peers, corps members are effective tutors, mentors, role models and leaders of after-school programs, all of which help improve student attendance, behavior and coursework – which research confirms are indicators of a student’s likelihood of graduating from high school. This school-based service is at the heart of City Year’s Whole School, Whole Child approach to helping students and schools succeed.
It was a great pleasure seeing Delisa Brown, Bryant Anderson, and Ricardo Black, wearing those nice red City Year jackets. The ceremony was held at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. The Guest speaker was Eric Wobser who is the executive director, of the North West Development Corporation at City Year, and a 2002 Alumni.
Cleveland Job Corps Staff who attended were Michael Taylor, Business Community Liason, and Lou Ortez, Placement Specialist.