Kiwanis Award Winner sees bright future ahead.
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Kiwanis Award Winner sees bright future ahead.

Garrett ZollingerGarrett Zollinger came to Clearfield Job Corps from Anacortes, Washington on May 20, 2008

Before enrolling in Job Corps Garrett was working as a night shift grocery stocker, with no other prospects in sight.

Garrett initially planned on joining the electrical program; though during career prep eventually decided to switch to the computer repair trade.

“In the past two years I’ve been at Job Corps, I’ve learned and accomplished quite a bit. Through the computer repair trade training, I was able to increase my knowledge of the field dramatically; and while I have moved away from the field, the computer skills I learned have aided me in just about all my other pursuits.” says Garrett.

Garrett spent six weeks of work based learning with Barnes Aerospace where he learned the skills needed to get hired and succeed in such a position. After completing his career technical training, enrolled in the ACT program at Clearfield Job Corps, and began classes at Weber State University. While at Weber State University Garrett was offered an internship in Washington, DC, for three months over the summer.

Garrett goes on to say, “The most important lesson I’ve learned in my time here is that quite often the only thing you need to succeed is the willingness to seize the opportunities in front of you. You have to be willing to take the chance when opportunities are presented to you, and not be held back by doubt or fear of failing at something.”

Since returning from his internship in Washington D.C., Garrett has gone on to receive the MTC 2010 Student of The Year award as well as being recognized by the Kiwanis Club of Utah with the Kiwanis Academic Excellence Award.

Garrett credits the Job Corps program with providing him the opportunities to succeed and teaching him the necessary skills to excel in those opportunities. “In my case, not only did it aid me with the financial obstacles associated with attending college, it instilled in me the work ethic and desire to complete it.” states Garrett.

Garretts’ plans for the future are to finish his Bachelors Degree at Weber State University ultimately leading him to a career with the U.S. Foreign Service as a diplomat, but also expresses interest in volunteerism with the Peace Corps.

Clearfield Job Corps, It’s faculty, and staff congratulate Garrett on his success’ and wish him all the best in his bright future.

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